Bay Area Real Estate Market History

Bay Area Real Estate Market History

The real estate market is always shifting. One minute you see a sudden surge of prices and mortgages and the rates seem to plummet within a week. However, despite these fluctuations, the real estate market continues to grow. The housing market has gone up by more than...
Lаtе Ѕummеr Yаrd Саrе Tо Gеt Rеаdу Fоr Fall

Lаtе Ѕummеr Yаrd Саrе Tо Gеt Rеаdу Fоr Fall

Mаnу homeowners think they nееd less summer yard care іn the fаll bесаuѕе the grass is growing mоrе slowly. Summer is fading into fаll and winter іѕ just around the corner, right?. Actually, nоw іѕ the perfect tіmе tо tаkе саrе of уоur property nееdѕ before the соld...
What is a Mortgage APR?

What is a Mortgage APR?

As a home buyer, you’re likely going to obtain a home mortgage.  Many of us look at the interest rates for a mortgage and compare them to find the lowest cost mortgage.  However, mortgage interest rates do not take into account the entire cost of a home loan. ...